Hello my name is Pat Katakio,

I am an EEP, that is an "Everyday Extraordinary Person" who has been blessed with spiritual gifts. I moved from Georgia at age 19 to California in 1971. I am a Hair stylist and a reflexologist. I'm the mother of four extraordinary beautiful children. Two boys and Twin girls that I prayed for.

In 1975 I was blessed with spiritual gifts that has led me on a nontraditional path of discovery of spiritual truths. It has taken up to now for me to understand these gifts that were shown to me in order to apply the understanding in my life for practical use. Spirit has given me three books to write. The third book, just released, is titled: "Spirituality and Our World Crisis." See the synopsis link, on the left, for details.

The first one entitled Blameless was given to me in 1992. It took me ten and a half years to understand what Blameless was about. I used the understanding of my life's experiences in order to write from a place of truth and not from appearances as I was guided to do from Spirit. I finally got the first draft on paper. I'm still working on the completion of editing it.

In the middle of completing Blameless in 2004, Spirit gave me another book entitled Revelations New Beginnings which are Eye Openers to make you think WOW! I stopped working on Blameless and started working on Eye Openers which is a smaller book. It is now finished, along with the Eye Opener that was given to me from Spirit that made Revelations New Beginnings possible. These Eye Openers are sayings to wake you up to understanding life's principles and spiritual truths so when you read the scriptures with an open mind you will be able to apply these understandings in your every day living that will produce the perfect outcome in your life. I now have put this particular Eye Opener, I attend the University of God in me for Higher Learning on six products for now to sell.

In writing both of these books I've come to realize that both books are connected. Blameless has the stories that support the Eye Openers. Blameless will be finished later this year. After writing Eye Openers it was revealed why God introduced me to the great world of metaphysics and gave me spiritual gifts, I have to explain certain spiritual truths to the world, which is revealed in Revelations New Beginnings. This revelation is really an eye opener and when the shock and disbelief is over you will clearly see the truth that it is.

With this new insight of truth explained we the people in the world will have a change in consciousness and this will be the New Beginning of life for us that are ready to take responsibility for all our actions.

Writing Eye Openers also revealed to me why Spirit told me to write Blameless. From the beginning of Genesis Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent, no one even then was willing to take responsibility for his or her actions. The truth is no one is to blame for the choices we make but us, and this is why Blameless had to be written. I'm honored that God put the call out and I heard it and answered it. It's a thrilling adventure that's coming soon. Both books will come with a CD of music and Eye Openers will also be a book on CD.

I have always prayed and asked God to bless and heal the world. Many years ago I told God that I wanted to invent something that everyone all over the world could use to make life better and easier to live. I use to sit and think what could I invent that everyone all over the world could use, no matter what race, creed, or color. Everything that I could think of had already been invented. I never gave up on the idea but left it in the back of my mind. As the way life goes, sometimes I'm on my center and sometimes not.

This particular day I was on my center, which is recognizing God as goodness in every one and myself. God allowed a man to be present in my space while I was walking for me to converse with. His displeasure for walking gave me an opportunity to explain a healing principle to him. After talking for a while he asked me where did I get this stuff from. I explained that my first introduction to this level of understanding is called Metaphysics, which is beyond the physical realm into the spiritual realm and it was introduced to me by GOD. I was introduced to Out-Of-Body, Astral Travel, and Visions. I had no clue as to what it was because I had been brought up Baptist and had never heard anyone talk about this kind of stuff before.

After telling everyone about my experiences and all of them thinking I was crazy, I finally found someone who explained my gifts to me and reassured me that I was no where near crazy, that God was preparing me for something He was going to use me for, but she didn't know what. Now with these projects, I know what all of it was for. Later I started to read metaphysical books, I was introduced to Science of Mind and started to attend the Science of Mind church of Religious Science in Redondo Beach California. I attended classes to understand the practical use of my new found spiritual gifts. Talking to this man was the opportunity that GOD used to give me the invention that I had asked for many years ago.

As I continued to walk around the Rose Bowl as plain as day I heard in my head I attend the University of God In me for Higher Learning. I got so excited about this insight that I knew God had given it to me to share with the world. I thought what a profound way to be reminded to pray to God, which is inside us which is the goodness we are. When you want an education you can go to a four year college, but if you want the highest book learning you can get in a specialized field you go to a University, so it stands to reason that if you want the highest Spiritual understanding you would attend the University of God inside you because high levels of Spiritual understanding is not found in books, it is found inside you.

This is where God lives inside of us. The only way you can get to this high level of learning is through prayer and meditation, but in the prayer you must make the connection with spirit inside you, otherwise nothing much happens. You have to spend quiet time with yourself daily and as often as you can throughout the day to allow these gifts to surface.

My goal is to be part of a solution to evolve the consciousness of humanity towards unity, and erase the chaotic conditions in this world by consciously being reminded to pray to God, which is the goodness inside us all. Prayer changes things, but you have to pray without ceasing until you get the desired results. This requires patience and dedication.

My vision is to see this Eye Opener as a bumper sticker everywhere you look, all over the world, in every language, and on all vehicles. To have this insight on billboards, key chains, coffee mugs, t-shirts, magnets, bookmarks, mouse pads, and on everything else I can think of to put it on, will always remind you to look within your higher self. Everywhere you look I want there to be a constant reminder to pray to God.

This is the consciousness that we all have to raise up to all over the world if we're ever going to live in peace in this world together. As we all are reminded that God is the goodness inside all of us, and we are not only good but very very good. Eventually we will push the negative thought patterns and actions so deep down in the Soul, that we will forget that it ever existed, and connect with the Christ Mind inside us. This will be the first time in history that everyone in the world at the same time, no matter what race, color, or creed will put on the mind that was in Christ Jesus, the mind of infinite goodness.

Imagine how this great energy of peace will change the world. The plan is for us to live perfectly as a human as we already are in spirit. Be ye perfect as the spirit within you is already perfect. This union is what we all are trying to get to. These are the plans that God intended for us to have from the beginning of the existence of humanity: divine love, faith, health, peace, and prosperity in abundance.
Everyone all over the world can use this invention, the perfect logo, as a reminder to pray. You know God really does answer prayers. I'M KNOWING ALL OF US HAVE THE SAME DREAM, PEACE IN OUR WORLD. NOW ARE YOU READY TO HELP ME MAKE OUR DREAMS BECOME A REALITY? BE PART OF THE PROCESS FOR GOODNESS IN OUR WORLD. ORDER YOUR PRODUCTS NOW!!!