Word From The Author

Katakio logo Katakio:The evolution of unity within all races of humanity.

     God has revealed to me the deeper meanings and the messages in the allegories from the scriptures on creation and the birth, life, and the death of Jesus. The problem with these stories is that they were not supposed to be interpreted or taken literally. Christianity was founded on these stories and as a result our world was built on half truths, lies, deception, cover-ups, greed, prejudice, manipulations, and a host of other negative actions that has taken our universe and us way out of balance with nature.
     I’ve solved the mysteries in those scriptures and now all of the pieces of the puzzle to life are in place. The answers to the mysteries of life like the afterlife, karma, and metaphysics lie within the pages of this book as well as my book Revelations New Beginnings. Issues that have plagued the world like racial prejudice, greed, and undeserving are brought to the light and come full circle to explain it’s correlation with the multiple crisis that our world is experiencing.
     At this point in our soul evolution, it’s time for all of us to come together as one in truth and understanding and begin the healing process of our world and ourselves at the soul level like never before. This healing will bring our world and our selves back into balance with nature and for the first time, we will experience what normal feels like. This way we all can have the life that God intended for us, a life filled with truth, love, peace, health, beauty, joy, well being, and prosperity in abundance for all. God’s will be done on earth.

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